måndag 21 december 2009

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - 2009

"I sure hope it's better than the first one."

That's what I wrote back in the days, when I was young and naive.
To ever think that Michael Bay would direct anything that might even be considered as "good", "better", "decent" or "half-bad" is just the thoughts of a madman.
I watched this box-office smash hit yesterday. Big fuckin' mistake.
The robots are even bigger clowns than in the first one and makes Gimli from LotR look serious for a brief moment, the humans are so annoying you just want to shove your hand down your troat and rip out your brainstem. I failed in that endeavor.. pity..
"-Well.. at least it has some frikkin awesome effects, dude", you might say.
Man, if you dude me one more time over special-effects I will end you and your F/X based cunt life, Bear Jew style.
That's right.. Eli Roth ain't the only ma-fakker that can swing a bat.
I could just tell you the truth too and say that the effects looked like whore-shit(that's right, whore).
It's just a mosh of robot parts that move to fast for me to really appreciate.

As you might have understood if you stayed with me this long, is that this is a God-awful film and that you should stay the fuck away!

Peace to the mighty!

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